Hello Dear Ones. :)
I'm here dusting off the blog. I have read people say that so many times on their long neglected blogs over the past 5+ years since I have been blogging. Yes, it was five years of blogging for SugarBunny back in January, if you can even believe it.
So I'm here. Dusting. Because, as everyone always does, I intend to begin blogging on a regular basis again. Promises, promises. Yes yes. Well, I have a plan, oh readers. I have a plan.
And a purpose.
And I may just be starting over from scratch again with blog readers. Maybe yes, maybe no. Blog stats will tell, I believe. Things have changed around here at typepad too. Looks and feels different. The blog needs some spiffing.
And without yapping you into a zombie stare, I'll explain my purpose.
I'm opening a yarn shop y'all. And some people who follow me on Facebook already know that. Some don't. I've been kind of hushy about it because I've been working on it a really long time and not really sure it was actually going to Happen. Kind of like when you're trying to get pregnant and don't want people bugging you about it all the time so you don't tell anyone. When we were trying to conceive our first baby it happened right away so I didn't have to keep any secrets for long.
You might say I'm having fertility issues with the yarn shop. Or maybe its just been a very very very long gestational period. And I'm ready to talk about it. The concept was dormant for a very long time. Years. Some time during 2008 I was feeling the Yarn Shop Internal Clock begin ticking when I saw a space for rent on Main Street that was next door to a coffee shop and I just thought it would be a really great location for a yarn shop. Thankfully someone rented the place and turned it into a cute little bakery, which sent the internal yarn shop clock back into hibernation.
During September 2009 that space became vacant. Apparently the bakery didn't thrive. When I drove past and saw a sign in the window I didn't think twice - I phoned the realtor that second to find out the details and scheduled an appointment to visit the space. I took my friend Sue on the tour of this space and when we walked back to the car we both were thinking "No Way." Then Sue said, "Hey, how about I show you another space on South Main Street that is vacant?" This town isn't that big and I couldn't imagine what space it could be.
We drove to South Main and saw the location - it was one that I had thought, many MANY times, would be a Heavenly location for a yarn shop (yes, I've lived here 4 1/2 yrs and the perfect yarn shop location has always been on my mind). This is at 201 S. Main Street in El Dorado. In its past it was a Montgomery Ward department store, then a home interior store, then a church (as far as I know). So I found the perfect space! Yay! That was back in September 2009!!!!! And by the Grace of God, its still available. Bad economy? Divine grace? Whatever the reason, its still there for me. Waiting for me to sign a lease. Keep your fingers crossed about this space. Its sooooo perfect.
201 S Main, El Dorado, KS - Approx 3000 sq feet for yarn, pattern books, magazines, needles and notions, several tables for sitting and chatting, spinning supplies, enclosed classroom, coffee center (wet bar) at the back, and in the future, fabric for quilting and sewing and a cutting table.
So I immediately started figuring out What To Do. HOW do you start a business? Well, unless you're flush with cash, you must have a well developed Business Plan. Lots of resources on the internet for developing your business plan. And with encouragement and direction from local business owners and others with an interest in developing Main Street in El Dorado, I was quickly in touch with people who could point in the right direction with how to start a new business. I had an advisor who was giving me great advice on how to proceed with my business plan, what to include, etc etc. I applied for financing with Main Street El Dorado and South Central Kansas Economic Development District (SCKEDD). I also visited two banks and applied with two other microloan programs. Whew. And then started waiting. And waiting. And waiting. Picture a clock with the hands twirling around. Picture a calendar with the pages being blown and tearing off on their own and flying away out of sight. Yes. That kind of Waiting. In the mean time I drove past the shop every day. Sometimes several times.
Big display windows (fun! lots of work!) There are actually big doors with paned glass that seperate the display windows from the showroom floor area.
Last fall I was approved for loans with El Dorado Main Street and SCKEDD. But I was still lacking $15,000. Whew. No problem, right? Well, there was a problem. $15,000 is a lot of money when you're out of collateral. SCKEDD is using everything we've got for collateral. Home equity and vehicle that we just paid off. Opening inventory (yarn!), furniture and fixtures for the business.
Original vintage tiles in Both entryways. I'm really nutty about these tiles.
Finally we were turned down by banks and every available microloan lender that wasn't already giving us money. So the only thing left, as far as I could tell, was to reduce the start-up costs for the business. So I slashed numbers. And sent it back to SCKEDD. And resubmitted to Main Street.
Future home of Sugar Bunny Boulevard (Yarn Fiber and Fabric). Spacious. Ready, but for a wee bit of paint. Remodel in the future if I like it and choose to buy the space. Two bathrooms, enclosed classroom over there at the far left just out of camera range, childrens play space just past that (you can see the half wall there), and a nice big room in the back for storage and possible dyeing workshops.
When the results came back and we pledged our own tax refund, and loan committees had re-evaluated my information, we were still $3000 short. That's it. In the grand scheme of life, $3000 is small. Nothing! Except when you don't have it.
So that's what stands between me (Us) and the yarn shop. Two times in my life I've been told "Laura, I know you can do it." The first time was my attorney back in 1998 when I had to come up with money to pay him before he would file a motion regarding custody. He knew I could do it, and I did. This time it was by my business advisor who is very excited for this business to take off and be successful. She has confidence in me. I know I can do it.
Where will I get $3000? It's time to get inventive. I thought I was inventive as I wrote up my business plan and went to meetings selling everybody in town on how great this yarn shop idea is. But now I'm having to pull out all the stops and find $3000. Is it in my couch cushions? In my yarn stash? In my crazy brain full of ideas? Yes, we believe it is. When the only thing standing between me and opening the shop is $3000, I can find it.
Now to figure out where.
I know you can do this darling. (As for the bakery, she's doing it out of her home now and doing quite well. She's actually the one I am having do my wedding cake.)
Posted by: Ashley Boehm | March 01, 2010 at 05:33 PM
Laura, I know you can do this. Start putting your hand-dyed yarn up for sale, patterns, anything you can think of. I am so pleased you are still pursuing your dream.
P.S. I need some yarn!!!!!!!!
Posted by: Barbara | March 01, 2010 at 05:57 PM
You are amazing. What about designing another sock pattern that I'm just sure is lurking in your head.
Posted by: Lisa H | March 01, 2010 at 05:59 PM
What a beautiful dream. You have come too far for it not to come true!!!!!!! Have you looked into a business partner - or were you trying to avoid that? I will keep you in my prayers!
Your neighbor in Benton, GG
Posted by: GG | March 01, 2010 at 06:19 PM
How about a pattern called Investment in Dreams....could be shawl or socks or whatever....I believe in you Laura!
Posted by: Pat V | March 01, 2010 at 06:20 PM
How about accepting contributions through PayPal... I'd help! Most of us don't have an extra $3000 to invest, but a LOT of us have $20 or more.
Then to thank donors, maybe you could have an invitation-only "Supporter's Preview Day" before you open to the public. Of course, you might not have any yarn left on the shelves for your Grand Opening! ;-)
Posted by: Sharon | March 01, 2010 at 07:19 PM
Whoaaaaaa! That's awesome! You can definitely do it, I'm sure you can!
(and hey, so nice to see you posting again!)
Posted by: adrienne | March 01, 2010 at 08:13 PM
wow laura! what exciting news!!
i know you'll figure out a way to make your dream into a reality!!
Posted by: melissa | March 01, 2010 at 10:35 PM
Girl get making and we will buy!!!! You can do this, your too close now for it not to become a reality!
Posted by: Kelly | March 02, 2010 at 05:44 AM
Good luck in finding a way to make your dream come true.
Posted by: Wool Winder | March 02, 2010 at 08:19 AM
This is very exciting! Keeping my fingers crossed for you!
Posted by: Paul | March 02, 2010 at 12:40 PM
You can count me in for $50.00.
This is so exciting.!!!!!
There is nothing like the sisterhood of knitters.
Posted by: Sue | March 02, 2010 at 02:07 PM
So glad you blogged about your dreams. I had read about some of it on Facebook. I'm with the others I know you can do this and count me in for $20.00.
Posted by: Kirsten | March 03, 2010 at 10:28 AM